Our international expertise combined with our regional knowledge in LATAM and the Caribbean allow us to provide local insights that along with our consultive services help our international clients solve site specific needs.
Identidad Technologies is a quality driven company with 20+ years of experience in the telecommunications industry. Our ever-evolving technological platform with a robust development department constantly creates proprietary tools to enhance our products and services
Our diverse and comprehensive portfolio is tailored to provide a wide range of solutions, services, and products that cater to the needs of the telecommunications industry.
Our in-house developments are exclusively available in all our portfolio offerings and are up to date with the latest technology and fraudulent modalities to guarantee our clients optimal productivity, profitability and network performance.
Our international expertise combined with our regional knowledge in LATAM and the Caribbean allow us to provide local insights that along with our consultive services help our international clients solve site specific needs.
Exclusivities in LATAM and the Caribbean
Direct connections with operators around the globe
Data Centers for geo-redundancy
Gross income growth YoY
Capacity Best SMS/A2P Provider Americas 2018
Capacity Best SMS/A2P Provider Americas 2019
Shortlist Best Latin American / CaribbeanWholesale Carrier 2022
Winner of the Best Young Professional of the Year Award, for Luisa Sánchez, at the Carrier Community Global Awards 2023
Shortlist Best Regional SMS Service Provider, Carrier Community Global Awards 2023
Shortlist Global Regional SMS Service Provider, Carrier Community Global Awards 2023
Shortlist CEO of the Year, Carrier Community Global Awards 2023
For more information DOWNLOAD our Company Brochure
Let us know if you have any questions or would like to hear more about our portfolio.
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